So much research focused on our guts...
Have you noticed that there has been a lot of research lately about the stuff in your tummy? They are on We've done our own research through our lives. We all learned in school about how the stomach aids in digesting food our experiences tell us what makes us well, what makes us sick and what we don't like to eat. We know how some foods make us happy, some have other moods associated with them and some foods cause real problems as many have allergies to it. Commercially processed food and pesticides, all that food hype! It's not specifically all about Multiple Sclerosis, all of humanity is affected by what goes on in the gut, even since before we were born.How does the Gut affect humans?
Overall it has been said that the gut is another brain. We all have a gut working hard the same way using that bacteria as it has all your life all through the history of humans. What you eat can really affect your mood, and if you starve yourself, it weakens you sometimes to become immobile. Same if you eat food that your body rejects or is infected with competing bacteria. McDonald's anyone? Generally any fast food has its problems for many sensitive people. Reactions, silent allergies that develop into chronic illness can all be attributed to changes to the Microbiome (another term for the collective bacteria your stomach holds). One of the diseases (and the the one I'll focus on, inspired in part by Dr Kim Lee) is Multiple Sclerosis. It is highly affected by the gut...
From pre-birth to post-death, your gut is actively working.
Your individual collection of Gut Microbiome were given to you from your birth mother and all the diverse genetic line of women before we were who we appear to be today. It is unique, just like the body it inhabits. It can be influenced more by what you eat than the environment you live in. Upon birth, your entire body is new. Before birth, the bacteria grows and develops individual reactions from the ingestion of nutrients derived from the mother. The microbes prepare the infant for the world they will arrive in approx 9mo from the spark of life. All through the life it influences emotions, health outcomes and energy levels and more including mental health. It continues after death to help the body decomposeThere is a similar disease that brews completely from our Guts
Up to about 15 years ago as of 2019, a few diseases were misdiagnosed as Multiple Sclerosis. Most commonly, it was Lyme Disease which manifests in similar fashion. For confirmed cases of Multiple Sclerosis, some MS Flareups could be attributed to artificial sweeteners and tobacco use, Coincidentally, those do change the structure of the Gut Microbiome in a negative way. Helicobacter pylori (Hp) Hp Sydney Strain-1 antigen is a disease very similar to Multiple Sclerosis born in your guts. Some of us have both or even just Hp misdiagnosed. If you are new to this disease, or even if you are a "Vet" (more than 5 years of diagnosed life) and you have questions about your diagnoses, talk to your MS Specialist about that. It could be possible it was overlooked to test for it. Who knows. You may be "Cured" of MS before death. I'll leave you with a question: Does Cannabis affect our Gut Bacteria? Perhaps a subject for a new post perhaps on